Welcome to My Edible Habitat, where we’re on a mission to cultivate edible urban ecosystems, one backyard at a time.
My Edible Habitat is more than a blog; it’s an exploration of the true human habitat. Picture your surroundings as a supportive ecosystem of edible and useful plants, both inside and outside your home. This is the essence of My Edible Habitat–a place where we delve into the science and art of creating environments that not only feed us but fulfill our needs while actively regenerating the land.
Who This Site is For
This site is all about cultivating our urban ecosystems to support a back-to-nature lifestyle while maintaining access to the many benefits of living in or near a city. So If you live in a city or suburb, but recognize the wisdom of natural ecosystems, and wish there was a way to bring the two realms into harmony, this website is for you.
If you’re interested in ways to make the most out of a small plot of land by growing your food, shrinking your ecological footprint, or building food security for times of scarcity, you’ve landed in the right place.
It doesn’t matter if you own or rent your home or even if you live in an apartment. If you want to integrate permaculture principles into your urban life, I’ll have solutions for you.
What I Write About
This site is about designing permaculture systems for the small urban backyard (and sometimes the front yard or balcony or window sill). My property and the projects my family and I take on as we transform our quarter-acre lot from brown grass and neglected trees to a thriving, productive backyard sanctuary provide the structure for this site.
I write about permaculture principles and techniques, ecological gardening, food forests, and any other permaculture-related topics that I think you will enjoy.
I’m always open to suggestions for the site. You can contact me here or leave a comment on a relevant post.
About Me

Hey there, I’m Cory!
I’m the dirt-under-the-fingernails permaculture designer behind MyEdibleHabitat. I’ve journeyed from Geologist to architectural drafter to permaculture designer. Our story also unfolds during my family’s transformative two years in Australia. You can read Our Story here.
Where to Start
Have a look around the site. You might like to start with some of these pillar posts:
- What Everyone Ought to Know about Permaculture
- The Ultimate Fruit Tree Guild Design Guide
- From Waste to Gold: Urban Composting Techniques that Actually Work
- Permaculture Principles in Everyday Life Part 1
You can also browse posts by category in the site menu or use the search bar up top.
To stay in the loop, subscribe to my newsletter, Guild Bites. Then get outside in your own space and get growing!